PPM (part per million) and GPG (grains per gallon) are both units used to measure water hardness. Our water softeners communicate in GPG. If you're doing a water test that shows results in PPM, you'll need to convert that to GPG. Below we'll show you exactly how to do that.
When programming your water softener, you'll likely need to contact your city or test your well water for a water hardness value. Water tests provide hardness results in PPM, GPG, or MG/L.
1. Go ahead and check the unit of your hardness number. If it's in GPG, continue to step 2. If it reads in PPM or MG/L, skip to step 3.
2. Our water softeners communicate in GPG (grains per gallon). Since your value is already in GPG, you can transfer that number directly to your hardness programming:
3. Our water softeners communicate in GPG (grains per gallon). Since your hardness level reads in PPM or MG/L, we'll need to convert it. To do this, divide the number by 17.1 and use the new number to program your softener. Here's an example:
In this example, the water softener should be programmed at a minimum of 11 for hardness.
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