It's important to make sure your water is soft before it moves throughout the rest of your plumbing. You can check this by testing the Rinse water after a Recharge. It's a simple process so let's get started below.
Supplies Needed: Cup, water test strip or kit
Before You Start
- Confirm the Salt Level is above level 2
- Confirm the water level is not visible above the salt
- Have your test strip or kit handy for the end of this process
- You'll want to do this when you won't be using water in the home, and can monitor the machine
Step 1 - Complete a Recharge (Click to expand directions)
It's important to recharge the softener before testing. This is to confirm the resin beads inside the tank are completely recharged and thoroughly rinsed.
1. You can start a recharge by holding the Recharge button until you hear the motor start, then let go. This cycle will last for 2-2 1/2 hours. You should see a visible salt drop inside your unit after the recharge is over.
Step 2 - Test the Rinse Water
Once the recharge is complete, you can test the water.
1. Now go ahead and confirm you're able to see the end of your main Drain Hose (below in red). This hose comes off the top right side of your softener, and is usually routed to a standpipe, laundry tub, or floor drain. If you can't see the end of the hose (maybe it's pushed into a drain pipe), we recommend fixing the installation before proceeding. See our Drain Hose Requirements article for more information.
Drain Hose in Red
Drain Hose Route Options
2. At this time, you'll start another recharge by holding the Recharge button until you hear the motor start, then let go. This will start a Fill cycle. There shouldn't be any water coming from the drain at this point.
Note: If there is a heavy water flow coming out the drain here, press the Recharge button once. Wait for the motor to stop, then press the Recharge button once more. You should now be in the Fill cycle with no draining.
3. Once you're in the Fill cycle, you'll press the Recharge button once. This will move the it into the next cycle called the Brine cycle. You'll see here that a little water will leave the drain.
4. Press the Recharge button once again. This will move it into the next cycle called the Backwash cycle. A lot of water will be leaving the drain on this cycle.
5. Lastly, press the Recharge button once more. This will move it into the Rinse cycle. Now you can collect a sample of the water coming through the main drain hose - however yours is set up!
Drain Hose Options:
Catch some water with a cup
6. Follow the instructions on the test strip or kit to test this sample (do not use a TDS meter to test), and record the number. Anything between 0-3 gpg or 0-50 ppm is considered soft water.
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