The J## code (ex: J20, J33, J36, J38, J39, J40) will show up when your softener regains power. If the code doesn't disappear after a few seconds, follow the steps below.
Click each step below to expand directions.
Step 1 - Test Buttons
1. You'll want to start off by pressing the Program button and Up/Down buttons. Are they responding and changing the screen?
- YES - It may prompt you to choose your model code and then you can continue on through the Programming Menu to reset your softener. And now you're good to go.
- NO - Continue to Step 2 below.
Step 2 - Disconnect Wiring
1. Go ahead and unplug your power supply from the outlet.
2. Now, remove the top cover.
3. On the underside, you'll find the Control Board. We'll need to disconnect some of the wiring. The control board may have a plastic cover. If so, remove that cover to get to the wiring.
4. You'll notice there are multiple wires connected to the board. You'll want to disconnect the following:
Wire Harness - Red plastic connector with five colored wires - Disconnect from the board.
Motor - Red and black wires - Follow these wires and disconnect at the clear plastic clip.
Step 3 - Reconnect Wiring
1. With those wires still disconnected, plug the power supply back into the outlet.
2. Check the screen. Are you are able to use the Program or Up/Down buttons now to change the screen?
- YES - Continue to next step 3, below.
- NO - The Control Board likely needs replacing. You can find information on purchasing replacement parts here. Otherwise, check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered.
3. Now you can go ahead and connect the Wire Harness back onto the board. Did the J## code return?
- YES - The Wire Harness needs to be replaced. You can find information on purchasing replacement parts here. Otherwise, check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered.
- NO - Continue to step 4, below.
4. Lastly, you'll need to reconnect the Motor wires back to the plastic clip. Did the J## code return?
- YES - The Motor needs to be replaced. You can find information on purchasing replacement parts here. Otherwise, check out What is My Warranty to see if you're still covered.
- NO - Great! You'll want to continue to Program the Softener as normal.
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